Meet Drink EEZY

We're Just A Bunch Of Wine Loving Millenials that Want To Make Wine As
Cool As Craft Beer and Hard Seltzers

Join The Movement

"The wine consumer has changed, but the industry isn't listening. People want more convenience and variety. Better quality. To Support Products that are better for them and the planet. The next generation of wine drinkers doesn't want to drink wine the same way as their parents."

Brett Bayda

Founder of Drink EEZY

Meet The Founders

Our Story

The mission of Drink EEZY Craft Winery is to create an atmosphere and products that make it easier and more affordable to discover new wines from around the world. We are the first company in the world to design a ready-to-drink wine bottle that offers convenience and variety. The goal of our premium single-serve wine bottles is to make it easy to have a glass of wine without always having to open a full-sized bottle. Shop our single-serve variety 4-packs or join USA's most affordable wine membership to start discovering quality wines today.


Love Wine. Love Yourself.

Together we can empower each other to live a healthier lifestyle while still enjoying the small luxuries of life. The secret to happiness is finding connections on this planet. Drink EEZY has created an atmosphere that brings people together and helps foster these connections. That is why we have provided our space for free to over 100 families in the community to host their special occasion. Stop in today, we would love to meet you.

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